About Termites :
The termites are called “White ants”. These are social insects living in a colony comprising Queen, King, workers and soldiers. The queen may live for more than 25 years and is capable of laying more than 25000 eggs per day depending on availability of food. Whereas workers live for up to 3 years and are blind and sterile, they work for 24 hours and are responsible for destruction and damage. The colonies are subterranean termites are located in the soil. Their basic food being anything containing cellulose, in search of food they gain entry into the building. Each termite colony has millions of individual members.

Anti- Termite Treatment:
comprises drilling holes in the junction of floor and wall, soaking them withthe termiticide and sealing them. This makes a completely undetectable chemical barrier around your property. Termite unknowingly forages through treatmentarea, passing the termiticide throughout their population. This leads fastercontrol of termites. The detailed treatment process is as follows. The treatment comprises of drilling holes in the junction of floor and wall at 1 ft distance, filling them with the termiticide in sufficient quantity and sealing them. (Diameter of hole –12mm & 4-6 inch in depth
In ground floor external perimeter and pillars will be drilled 1 feet @ 90 degree. In Case of 5 year warranty ground and first floor drilling will be at the interval of 1 foot. From 2 floor drilling will be at the interval of 1 foot. From 2nd To 5thfloor on wards drilling will be at the interval of 2 feet. 5th floor above on wards drilling will be at the interval of 3 foot.above on wards drilling will be at the interval of 3 foot.Each and every hole will be poured with two to three rounds of chemicals. to three rounds of chemicals. After this all the holes will be sealed with chalk and white cement. this all the holes will be sealed with chalk and white cement. All fixed wooden furniture’s will be treated.
Chemical Used:
Imidacloprid 30.5%. This will be used in internal wall and floor
junction. Chemical concentration will be 1 liter Water with 2.1 ml chemical.
Bifenthrin 2.5%Solvent. This will beused in Basement, Ground floor (outside/external perimeter) wooden fixtures and
electric boards. Chemical Concentration- 1 liter water with 20ml chemical
Fipronil 2.5 % ,This will be used in internal wall and floor junction. Chemical concentration will be 1 liter Water with 10 ml chemical
Chlorpyriphose 50%Solvent. This will be used in Basement, Ground floor (otside/external perimeter) wooden fixtures and electric boards. Chemical Concentration- 1 liter water with 20ml chemica