Spider Management :
This treatment is aims for controlling of Spiders are common on
wall/ceiling and wall/floor junctions. Certain species of species of spiders
are highly venomous and may even produce a lethal bite. All spiders producevenom that is poisonous to their normal prey of insects, mites and other small arthropods. They build we, which are unsightly and gather dust. These cancontaminate product. The treatment is based on the use of water based Deltamethrin 2.5 % SC.
Mode of treatment
This treatment is carried out carried out in the form of spray of the area which are not sensitive / production areas i.e. done only in non production and non critical areas. For production area, the treatment will be confined as spot / controlled spray at specific locations and not as broadcast to avoid unnecessary contamination. The liquid pesticide formulation of Deltamethrin 2.5 flow and will be applied as Cracks and crevices spot treatment. To have desired results cobwebs developed shall be cleaned thoroughly by housekeeping Dept. followed by Targeted of aqueous chemical emulsion.

Carry out this treatment for
twice in a month. This involves shut down during spray operations and moving
your product / Work in progress material away from the floor to avoid
Preventive measures
Sanitation is critical in
successful spider control. Destroy spider webs and spiders with a strong
suction vacuum cleaner with proper attachments reach the necessary places. Use
a bust mop, stiff broom and dustpan when needed to help discourage establish
met. Eliminate pests (prey) such as flies, ants and cockroaches, which attract
spiders. Excess moisture and humidity should be controlled. Seal cracks and
crevices around windows and doors and install tight-fitting screens as needed
where spiders can enter from outdoors. Use yellow or sodium vapor light bulbs
at outside entrances to reduce night-flying insects (prey), which attract